About Peter
6-year-old Peter learned two things from doing Bugs Bunny impressions for his family: that he loved performing and that carrots taste much better once they’ve been peeled. After playing the Scarecrow in his 3rd grade production of The Wizard of Oz, he decided that he would pursue a career in acting for the rest of his life. His parents were naturally super jazzed about this. Originally from Long Island, Peter has lived in NYC since beginning his undergraduate education at NYU’s Tisch School of the arts, where he learned the Meisner technique, screen acting, and just enough guitar to make friends in the dorm’s court yard. Today he is proud to be able to indulge both of his childhood aspirations as a voice-over artist and actor of the stage and screen. Despite his love of having a fun time in rehearsals and on set, he’s actually extremely professional and always prepared.
Slate Yourself | Lead | Dir. Justin Van Voorhis
Rubbed! | Lead |Dir. Bennet Tarren
Animal House: The Inside Story | Lead | A&E
Fruit Bat/Fruit Bat II | Lead | Dir. Alex J. Murphy
Night Shift | Lead | Dir. Kevin Etherson
Shaken and Stirred | Lead | Dir. Jonathan Hinman
Puzzle | Lead | Dir. Gary O. Bennett
Attachment | Lead | Dir. Charles Desjardin
Hypnagogic | Lead | Dir. Joe Dicanio
Dead for a Ducat | Dashiel Hamlet/Various | Orlando/Toronto Fringe Fests
Freedom Train | Overseer/Patrol Guard | Theatreworks USA
Clue | Wadsworth | 4th Universalist Society
Lost in the American Dream| Dad/John/Commander | New York University
Big Love | Oed/Leo | New York University
Bash (Iphigenia in Orem) | Young Man | Under St. Marks Theater
The Foreigner | Charlie Baker | Sid Jacobson Theater
Fools | Leon Tolchinsky | Sid Jacobson Theater
Guys and Dolls| Nathan Detroit | Sid Jacobson Theater
NYU Tisch Drama | BFA | Meisner, Stonestreet
Acting | Vicki Hart, Zach Galligan, Angela Pietropinto, Gary O. Bennett, David & Linda Laundra
Voice | Donna Germain, Bat Johnson, Karen Braga
Accents/Dialects | John Van Wyden
Stage Combat | J. David Brimmer
Clown | Orlando Pabotoy, Lucas Caleb Rooney
Upright Citizen's Brigade Theatre | Improvisation | Rosemary Quinn, Aaron Jackson
Special Skills
Dialects: English (RP), London, Cockney, Manchester, Irish, Scottish, Australian, Southern (Rural &Plantation), Accents: Russian, German, French; character voices, announcer voice, stage combat, horseback riding, intense eyebrow manipulation, guitar, skiing, billiards, good with animals, can turn face red, can catch food in mouth